Here are a few things that you need to know to become a software engineer or things that you would learn if you choose to become a software engineer.
- Issues - anything and everything
- No issues - Everytime a software engineer wants to say "No problem" he says this.
- Calls - for onsite, waste of time since offshore doesn't understand anything scribbled in email
- for offshore, waste of time since onsite is lazy to keyin what is discussed on call
- the truth, to discuss things off the record - Clarifications - nobody knows the answer
- Design - doc never opened once it is completed
- Coding - life mantra for developers
- bugs - for QA, life mantra, the more filed - the more lifed
- for developers, "That can't be","My code can't be wrong","Don't know how the code is behaving so weird","works fine in my machine" - emails - SE's favorite timepass "forward"
- sent, to not get screwed up
- not sent , screw up someone behind the back - escalation - happiness received in screwing up someone else
- Client - God(they say so)
- night out - regular office timing, wasted time compensated
- leaving home early - taking half a day leave
- Coffee break - Gossip time
- Lunch break - More gossips
- boyfriend in same team - victim to write ur code
- girlfriend in same team - team member when u r the team lead
- love - technically..... no time
- mobile phone - always rings during an important meeting
To be continued.....