Saturday, January 19, 2008


Its intereseting to see how relativity plays an important part in our lives. Wondering what that evasive sentence means? Well, it all starts with today being the last day of my vacation. Oh sorry! Its the penultimate day. And what part is relativity playing for today being the-almost-last-day of my vacation? Well, it goes like this.

Sometimes when you very much want something to last for a longer time, it would just seem to end at the blink of an eye and when you are most expecting something to happen, time seems to be endless and what you want to happen to be at infinity. Like this vacation, it just seemed to start and tomorrow I have to go back to Chennai to join office on Monday and when I went to London, the wait for the Sept 13th was killing. Each day seemed to have 36hrs.

Funny this relativitiy is, isn't it?

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